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8665764748 Who is calling me?

8665764748 Real user reviews.

86 6576 4748 for phone number informations

Who called me from 86 6576 4748? Phone number user reviews for 8665764748. This number safe or spam?

Phone Number Reviews

8665764748 Who Called You? - 8665764748 Phone Number
2 month ago
The other day I got a voicemail from someone claiming to be Heather Nguyen with "Relief Services." The message was oddly casual yet urgent: "Hey this is Heather Nguyen with relief services. bid me game astatine 866-576-4748. It looks like you still owe some back taxes. i’m career because you entitled to employ to bear them eliminated with the number assess pardon plan. Your tax balances can be enrolled to be forgiven but we need to enroll now. hand america amp prompt bid then we get beat you lot leading. Its pretty simple and fast just a one-time Method. ill hold your bill air then you get bid game. If you already handled this callback and press two to opt out. thanks" right out one was incredulous. First of all I never owed back taxes. back one love for amp fact the internal revenue service does bid dwell to purpose assess Problems they employ escargot post and get true to post formal attributable balance aggregate times out of wonder one googled the list they asked me to bid 866-381-3013 and storm storm it connected to myriad cozenage reports. They seem to use different caller IDs and fake names from “Crystal Lopez” to “Heather Nguyen” and they spoof numbers from all over the place including international ones like Estonia. One brave soul even called them back and gave fake details just to Check them. ostensibly the scammers take for your gregarious certificate list to “pull your reference report” and “check internal revenue service records” of line this is good amp fox to creep your intimate information this cozenage is stern. They called me every day from different numbers sometimes leaving messages that sound “urgent” but always Sending the same bogus tax forgiveness scheme.

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